Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My wonderful interview with Mireya the art designer

This is my 12th interview! Guess who we interveiwed? Her name is Mireya! She went to a school called The Art Center College Of Desgin. She got her degree in fine arts. She is a Graphic Designer. She lives in New York. There are two parts to her job design and business. Her home is her business in Brooklyn, New York. She likes to use paper instead of a computer, but she likes to use a computer if she needs to. Her first degree was pre law her second degree was graphic design. She thinks you will be interested in many different things when you are older.  For example I want to become a artist and my friend wants to be a dance teacher. When we interview people it is fun learning about there job. She designs plans and other things like a baseball stadium. She wanted to be a lawyer but then she wanted to be a graphic designer. Write to you next time. 

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